Why choose us

Eleutheria Wealth provides its clients with the know-how and independence they need to effectively manage their assets.

why choose us

Eleutheria /ἐλευθερία/ means 'Freedom'. Freedom in the world of asset management means being independent and able to make decisions without constraints and conflicts of interest. This is the origin of Eleutheria Wealth.

Eleutheria Wealth provides its clients with the know-how and independence they need to effectively manage their assets. The complexity of today's world requires theexperience and the expertise of qualified and independent consultants.

Even in Homer's archaic Greece, the eleutheros was the free citizen not only in that he was born of non-slave parents and not subject to foreign rule, but above all in that he was a citizen pleno iure, i.e. able to exercise his civil rights to the full. Today as then, especially in the sphere of thought, freedom is not everyone's prerogative. Eleutheria Wealth is free to think and choose.

The concept of Eleutheria Wealth originated not surprisingly in Switzerland, where freedom and independence have been promoted and upheld by the Swiss community since the founding of the Swiss Confederation in 1291.
Even in Homer's archaic Greece, the eleutheros was the free citizen not only in that he was born of non-slave parents and not subject to foreign rule, but above all in that he was a citizen pleno iure
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